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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Configure zabbix for Email Notification Parameters

Configure zabbix for Email Notification

To send mail you have to told your system which SMTP server to use which account to use (from address) for sending mail and where to send mail (To address).
In zabbix these setting are configure in two phases in first phase we have to told zabbix  which smtp server to use and which email address to use to send notification and in second phase we told zabbix whom to send mail.

Phase:-1) Configure Email Parameter

To configure the parameters for e-mail sending, go to Administration | Media types and click on Email in the Description column.

Change the SMTP server, SMTP helo, and SMTP email fields to use a valid e-mail server. If your have installed mail server on zabbix server  then you can specify  localhost for SMTP Server In The SMTP email address will be used as the From address, so make sure it's set to something your server will accept. This email address zabbix is going to use for sending email notification. After giving all required information click save

Phase:-2) Configure Email Parameter

To configure zabbix to tail whom to send mail go to Administration | Users and select user admin. In Admin user property windows In media section select add. In new windows select type as Email in send to field type valid email address on which you want notification and click add.  In admin user property windows in media section now you will see email address for admin user. Click save.  

That's it. Now our zabbix know which SMTP server to use for sending mail , which email address to use for mail from filed and lastly where to send mail RCPT filed to send mail. 


  1. good tutorial. it's very usefull

  2. How could zabbix use my email to send notification if i have not configured anywhere my email username and password?

  3. This is not helpful. You may find exactly these steps at official zabbix tutorial. If you need to use SMTP with authentication, please follow this:

  4. How could zabbix use my email to send notification if i have not configured anywhere my email username and password?

  5. Great manual
    Thanks a lot!
